It's National Teacher Appreciation Day, and I want to send a heavenly shout-out to this extra-special lady I called teacher for many years and dearest of friend for many more. Every time I write, anything-for some reason captions especially, I think of her. She guided, coached and believed in me at a very young age, and I never quit learning from her. I can see her hands holding a pen beside me, as I write, with her scrolling 'K' and 'C'. I also can't help but think of her when I see my published works, and say to myself, "I think she'd be proud of this one." Her teaching style still guides me as I plan, outline, craft, headline, and create stories in many forms. From my weekly column, magazine articles and books, there's not a step along the journey that was not imprinted by her. She not only taught me the art of journalism, photography, and how to win a shopping cart race in an Austin parking lot, but she always shared her genuine care and love for each of us she taught. I always felt wrapped up under her soft wings as she carried me along beside her, until she said in her own way, "You've got this...fly." My nickname for her was 'Frau'...why, I have no idea, but it's something we picked up when I was a junior in high school, and my Frau ended up hiking many a Colorado mountain trail with me, photographing our wedding, traveling through Yellowstone with a car full of kids, camping in the Beartooths and most of all, being an absolute blessing as a teacher who made the most significant impact on my life. She truly filled me with her love of life through all she shared in her gift of teaching. I'm so very grateful for the teacher she was, and still is, even though she shares her teaching talents, guidance, and love by heaven's light. To say I miss her, is an understatement, but because of who she was and her faith, the teacher she was and the beautiful friend she was, she is never too far away, each and everyday, in all I do. There are not enough words to completely share the true appreciation I have for this amazing women, but on this teacher appreciation day I do want to recognize her as being the very best, of the best...of the very, very best!