With the extension of stay at home orders, we've been getting even more and more comfy together. This time has been a blessing, not without it's trials, but I'm a firm believer in take-aways and gratitude in the ups and downs. But one thing we've become more consistent in is intentional moments. We typically have dinner somewhat together, at our counter and stools, but we've started sitting at the table again, every night. I took the table's leaf out and made it smaller, and everyone is magically just fine. We have a game we play with random funny kid questions, and go around the table to tell what our favorite part of the day was. I can't tell you how many times milk has been spewed through noses, and laughter has lasted through the evening from these moments. The books I've always wanted to read to and with them, have happened. My husband and I have also spent the quiet evenings with all kids reading, as they've been flopped over arm rests or across the floor holding a book in front of them. Card games have become speed races, and competitions to play 'one' more game last for hours. Since it's too early to 'really' get out in our mountains to camp, we just got a campfire rolling in our fire pit to roast s'mores and look at the stars. The kids have 'camped' in the camper, and even hung their hammocks from posts to spend the night outdoors (in the shop), like camping. Rolling back into our family's intentional time together has truly been a gift and a blessing.