I lost my favorite new jar of moisturizer and essential oil. I looked everywhere...truly everywhere. I was at the point I was going to have to reorder both. Then miraculously they appeared, and you know where? They were both in their proper containers. Exactly where they were supposed to be and been. Had I just looked too hard, and didn't seem them? How? They were right there. Am I that distracted or scatter-brained (okay...don't answer that:)? Do I overlook the good Lord's message and relationship that's right in front of me, just as I did with these little treasures. Am I looking too hard for Him, when He's actually present, and I'm not? Why? God asks us,"to keep our eyes straight ahead; ignore all sideshow distractions. Watch your step and the road will stretch out smooth before you. Look neither right nor left..." Proverbs 4:25-27 (Msg) Ah...that's why. My path is often filled with distractions, overlooking God's blessings and his obvious presence standing steadfast with me. When I align myself on His path I can look clearly towards His calling. I don't have to look right, left, under the bed, in the closet, dump out my baskets, pilfer the bathroom cupboards or rearrange my drawers for His true Treasures.
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